Departments & Programs » Counselling



Two counsellors are available for students:


Ms. Heisterman – Students with the last name from A – L 
[email protected] 


Ms. Byrne – Students with the last name from M – Z

[email protected]

Counselling appointments can be booked online here.



Here are some important items from the counsellors:

· STS (Student Transcript Service) - login and create an account to release your transcript electronically by following the link here.  

· Scholarships - there are many external scholarships available to graduating students.  Please refer to the daily announcements for scholarship updates. HSS Scholarship information will be released in February. 

· Post-Secondary Applications - Post-Secondary Application information will be shared during Career Life Connections lunchtime sessions. Please make sure you attend to learn all about the application process.

· Education PlannerBC - Sign up here for a live learning session on October 29th from 6:30– 7:30 pm. These free sessions are helpful for all students in grades 10-12 and their parents to learn about post-secondary and career planning. We will host another live presentation in January.